I noticed yesterday that our garden is in the shade in the morning (something I knew but hadn't really tuned into before). This morning the kids are at their sitter's house so I was looking forward to a quiet morning working and dreaming in the garden.
Instead I found myself feeling totally overwhelmed and defeated. Whatever helped itself to our garden earlier in the week returned last night for the pumpkin plants. (It seems the only thing the nocturnal nibbler isn't interested in is the weeds, many of which are knee-high.)
I tried to muster some more optimism and thought about replanting (as I'm just beginning to learn about the moon cycles in relation to farming and today, new moon, is the perfect time to plant seeds) but it just felt too overwhelming.
I decided instead to come back up to the house and do some writing, send out a couple of query letters (which I've also read is a good "new moon" activity), and wait for the woman who is coming to relieve us of early-morning crowing (I found someone to take the rooster via Craig's List - yay!).
Perhaps in a little while I'll go back out and plant some seeds but for now it feels best to turn my attention to other things like the gorgeous Morning Glory (photo below) that is blooming on our back deck.
I have planted Morning Glory seeds/seedlings, just about every year for the last 10 years without ever growing anything more than a weak looking vine that never that quite establishes itself.
This year I started indoors, soaked and notched the seeds, and watered the seedlings daily before moving them to a planter on the back deck, where I continue to water them regularly.
The result has been most satisfying!

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