Of the six chicks intended to join our small laying flock, three of them turned out to be roosters. I've spent the last month trying to find new homes for them via Craig's List and the local papers and as of this past weekend, they are all gone!
I had very seriously considered processing them myself (having witnessed and assisted with that process earlier this summer) but it really is a messy and labor-intensive job. One that I just didn't have the energy to tackle right now. I also am not quite ready to share the full reality of the life cycle of farm animals with my young children.
We talk about it and they seem to get it but I am not yet comfortable with them observing the process.
So I posted multiple ads and eventually found two families who were interested in taking them.
Mercifully, Lily's three favorite hens (Sarah, Cocoa, and Clarabelle) are indeed hens and will stay to live out their days in and around our barn. Phew.
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